Wes Perry Photography

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Monica & Sebastien - Engagement Photography

Bright and early we met at Centennial Park just as the sun was beginning to peek through the trees. Freshly back from a trip down south, I'm sure they weren't having great fun with the cold morning air! I can't say that I was either, but I didn't have to be adorable and such, something which they had no trouble with ;)

We were definitely fortunate - not long after we wrapped the photo shoot, the sun clouded over for the rest of the day. I guess it just came out to see them that morning.

I have to admit, I'm really looking forward to summer photos. Adjusting camera settings while I can't feel my hands adds a level of complexity to photography that I would rather not indulge in. I even promise not to complain after this summer's first 30 degree photo shoot! I'm more than ready to get a sunburn at this point :)

On a completely unrelated note, does anyone know of a "down south" location wedding that needs a photographer in the next couple of weeks? I'm umm... asking for a friend. A friend who is willing to offer a sizeable discount.