Hillary & Dylan's Engagement

The point had come in my wedding photography season when I'd been having a wedding shoot almost every weekend, sometimes two in a weekend, working a day job Monday to Friday, and everything was getting backed up in the editing pipeline (I usually have fully finished photos back to clients in 1-2 weeks...I think one couple had to wait three weeks this summer!). I had been putting in 80 or 90 hour weeks to make it all work, when Hillary got in touch for an engagement in the middle of it, and I thought "Oh thank goodness."

Now this might sound sarcastic on the surface, but it definitely wasn't. There's something refreshing when, in amongst all the madness of full day wedding shoots, we're just going to pop in and out in maybe an hour and get some great pictures. No packing snacks, no itinerary planning, no rushing from site to site - just a walk in the park with a couple of smartly dressed people.

They seemed to think that I was working hard, but basically I just followed them around Irishtown Nature Park for a bit and they were their charming selves. It's really as simple as that.

Okay, maybe there was some other stuff, a couple bags of gear, and some wireless flash controlled lighting situations, but that's all pretty boring compared to the way they were looking at each other as the sun went down behind the trees ;)


Melissa & Julien's Wedding


Julie & Eric's Engagement