Yongnuo 85mm f/1.8S II Review

Before we move on, I need to note that it is Very difficult to tell the difference between these lenses while shopping. Please note this is the New one with a silver ring instead of a red ring. Okay, now that that’s out of the way and you’ve heard my thoughts on the Yongnuo 85mm f/1.8, feel free to put your feet up and browse through some image samples. We’ll start out in the rainy woods with Melissa.

Then let’s pop into the studio with Roumy.

A few more details in the rainy forest.

Cats eye bokeh test, starting at f/1.8, then working our way down the apertures. Then the flare test with Veronica, blasting the lens with a flash.

If you want to pick one up, feel free to use one of my affiliate links to help support this channel, and feed these fat cats.
Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/3rYFHKo
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3QoGuxJ

Thanks for stopping by. Now go take some photos!


Yongnuo 50 1.8S for APS-C Review


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