Sirui Nightwalker 35mm T/1.2 Review

Now that you’ve heard my thoughts on the Sirui Nightwalker 35mm T/1.2 cine lens, feel free to take some time to browse video and image samples below. We’ll start with our super low light test at T/1.2

Then we’ll take this outside and slap an ND32 on the lens so we can mostly shoot wide open at T/1.2, but there are also several shots in here around T/11 to get some variety of lens effects.

Some random photos around a wedding reception… not exactly the intended use of this lens.

Then the classic cats eye bokeh test, starting wide open and then stepping down shot by shot.

If you want to pick one up, feel free to use one of my affiliate links to help support this channel, and feed my fat cats:

Amazon US:
Amazon CA:

Thanks for stopping by! Now go take some photos… err, videos!


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