Wes Perry Photography

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Viltrox 16mm f/1.8 Review

Now that you’ve heard my thoughts on the new Viltrox 16mm f/1.8, feel free to browse some image and video samples below, starting with a downtown shoot with Roumy:

And how about a little video to go along with it?

How about something a little more romantic?

It seems natural to go from engagement to wedding:

Let’s round it off with the old cat’s eye bokeh test. Apertures decreasing from f/1.8 to f/22. Please ignore the dots in the bokeh which then become developing black blobs… I had some rather enormous dust on the back of the lens while performing this test and Maggie refused to have a do-over. Ugh,

Okay okay, just a little more cat action while we’re here:

And there you have it!

If you want to pick one up, feel free to use one of my affiliate links, to help support this channel, and feed my fat cats:

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3OK7YgI
CA: https://amzn.to/42f5aLy

Thanks for stopping by. Now go take some photos!